Existem recursos disponíveis para conectar você e sua família a serviços de suporte. Saber mais.

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Saúde comunitária

Recursos da comunidade

Addressing health and wellness where it starts – in your neighborhood.

Get help

If you are interested in our food pantry in partnership with the American Red Cross, or need help with other issues above, please submit the form below or call 1-617-568-4845.

"*" indica campos obrigatórios

* Required information.
Este campo é para fins de validação e não deve ser alterado.

Did you know?

If you get SNAP benefits, you are already enrolled in the Healthy Incentives Program (HIP). HIP allows you to earn a dollar-for-dollar match on your EBT card when you buy fresh fruits and vegetables from an authorized farm or vendor, such as the NeighborHealth Farmers Market!

⁠For 1-2 people, you can earn up to $40 per month; for 3-5 people, you can earn up to $60 per month; for 6 and more people, you can earn up to $80 per month. Don’t lose out on these benefits! ⁠