East Boston Neighborhood Health Center homenageia líderes de equidade em saúde na recepção anual Art of Health Care
- Notícias
- East Boston Neighborhood Health Center homenageia líderes de equidade em saúde na recepção anual Art of Health Care
East Boston Neighborhood Health Center to award six exceptional leaders for their positive impact on the health of our community at Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
BOSTON, MA (May 2, 2024) – East Boston Neighborhood Health Center (EBNHC), soon to be Saúde do Vizinho, is thrilled to announce the Art of Health Care fundraising event at the Museum of Fine Arts (MFA), Boston on June 12. This year’s reception will include the 2024 Health Equity Awards where six recipients will be honored.
O Art of Health Care event allows EBNHC, the largest community-based primary care health system in Massachusetts, to provide greater support to programs and services dedicated to eliminating barriers to care due to social factors such as race, language, and economic mobility. All funds raised will have a transformative impact on vulnerable populations by supporting numerous EBNHC programs. This includes providing coordinated health and wellness care to children with developmental and cognitive disabilities; supporting older adults stay healthy and independent in the community; and developing educational training programs for the next generation of healthcare professionals
“The 2024 Health Equity Awards give us a rare opportunity to publicly celebrate six individuals and organizations who, through their work, have improved the lives of the communities served by our health center,” said Greg Wilmot, President and CEO of the East Boston Neighborhood Health Center. “From the iconic MFA, we will honor leaders who understand the power of social determinants to drive health outcomes and have made addressing them a major focus of their personal and professional lives.”
EBNHC is honored to recognize the following changemakers who have helped break down barriers to care for our most vulnerable communities throughout Greater Boston:
- Dr. Thea L. James, MD, MBA. Vice President of Mission, Boston Medical Center is to be recognized as Health Equity Champion for her leadership in dismantling medical mistrust in Boston’s Black community.
- Alberto Vasallo, III. CEO/ President of El Mundo Boston is to be recognized as Health Equity Champion for his commitment to partnering across sectors to reduce health disparities in Boston’s Latinx community.
- Dr. Gerald Hass, MD. Co-Founder, South End Community Health Center is to be recognized as Health Equity Trailblazer for co-founding the South End Community Health Center more than 50 years ago
- Jack Cradock, President Emeritus, East Boston Neighborhood Health Center is to be recognized as Health Equity Trailblazer for being an early and ardent advocate of community-based health systems in Massachusetts
- Rita Sorrento, Chair, Board of Directors, East Boston Neighborhood Health Center is to be recognized as Health Equity Trailblazer for her longtime healthcare, education and community advocacy.
- Seae Ventures, LLC, an investment firm specializing in early-stage healthcare technology and services companies, will be recognized as Health Equity Partner for uplifting talented entrepreneurs committed to addressing health and social challenges
“Esses líderes nos inspiram em nossa jornada para alcançar a equidade em saúde e estamos honrados em entregá-los esses prêmios”, disse o vice-presidente de desenvolvimento e diretor de recursos humanos da NeighborHealth, Steven Snyder. “Assim como um artista cria uma obra-prima com precisão e cuidado, lidar com as disparidades não é diferente; é um trabalho complexo que requer perseverança e criatividade de todos que o defendem.”
About East Boston Neighborhood Health Center
East Boston Neighborhood Health Center, soon to be Saúde do Vizinho as of June 1, 2024, is one of the nation’s largest Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) and the largest community-based primary care health system in Massachusetts, serving over 120,000 people and recognized by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) as a National Quality Leader. For more than 50 years, EBNHC has offered access to comprehensive primary care, specialty care and emergency care for patients in the Commonwealth. In a first-of-its-kind merger in 2020, EBNHC joined forces with the South End Community Health Center and expanded services to patients who live and work in Boston’s South End and Roxbury neighborhoods.
O NeighborHealth defende modelos de cuidados inovadores para preencher ativamente as lacunas de equidade em saúde em nossas comunidades de baixa renda e imigrantes com serviços exclusivos de outros provedores de saúde em nosso estado. Além de cuidados primários e especializados, o NeighborHealth opera o único Departamento de Emergência satélite de Massachusetts, que é o quarto ED mais movimentado em Boston e está localizado junto com radiologia avançada, incluindo serviços de tomografia computadorizada, Atendimento de Urgência em Saúde Comportamental no mesmo dia e uma farmácia integrada. Hoje, o NeighborHealth continua dedicado a promover e sustentar comunidades, famílias e indivíduos saudáveis dentro e fora da sala de exames, fornecendo serviços de saúde acessíveis, centrados na pessoa, compassivos e de alta qualidade. Para obter mais informações, visite www.ebnhc.org