مركز صحة حي شرق بوسطن يعين ميمي جاردنر نائبًا للرئيس ومسؤولًا رئيسيًا للأسهم
East Boston Neighborhood Health Center continues commitment to health equity with Boston executive leadership team appointment
BOSTON, MA (February 6, 2023) – East Boston Neighborhood Health Center (EBNHC) announced the appointment of Mimi Gardner, MPH, MA as Vice President and Chief Equity Officer, bringing over 30 years of experience and leadership rooted in health equity to the health center’s team.
“We could not be more excited to welcome Mimi to our leadership team,” said EBNHC President and CEO, Greg Wilmot. “We know that what happens outside of the exam room is just as important as what happens inside the exam room when it comes to community health and wellness. Mimi’s appointment furthers our efforts to work closely with our community partners to eliminate health disparities.”
In her new role, Gardner will provide leadership, strategy, and guidance to EBNHC on continued equity efforts and will be responsible for engaging with community leaders, partners and advocates throughout the Commonwealth to develop and drive the prioritization of a community-informed health equity agenda. EBNHC believes that only through continuous quality improvement and challenging our healthcare system can we address the chronic issues that have impacted low-income and Black and Brown communities for far too long.
“I am overjoyed to be joining a team that is committed to supporting underserved and marginalized populations with a collaborative and community-centric vision for growth,” said Gardner. “My career thus far has been defined by enacting change and I am excited to help serve EBNHC’s community in moving towards a more inclusive future.”
Prior to joining EBNHC, Gardner was the Chief Clinical Officer at Charles River Community Health Center, where she brought her equity experience to the forefront of clinical operations by working with diverse stakeholders to implement systematic change. As Chief Behavioral Health and Addiction Officer at HealthLinc Community Health Center, she developed programs to promote healthy living, address chronic illness and provide treatment for those struggling with addiction.
Gardner holds a Master’s of Public Health from Johns Hopkins University, Bloomberg School of Public Health and a Master’s in Social Service Administration from the University of Chicago, Crown Family School of Social Work. She completed her undergraduate degree in sociology from the University of Chicago.
Gardner’s role as Chief Equity Officer will strengthen EBNHC’s position as a local leader, community advocate and national model for community-based health care services as the organization continues to lead the way on access to care and the promotion of health equity for all who live and work in the neighborhoods EBNHC serves.
This appointment is in keeping with EBNHC’s long history and commitment to efforts that advance diversity, equity and inclusion at every level of the organization, including building a culture that is grounded in respect and teamwork; intentionally hiring for a more diverse and inclusive workforce and providing equal advancement opportunities through professional development, education and training. Currently, nearly half of EBNHC’s leadership team identify as a racial/ethnic minority.
نبذة عن مركز صحة حي شرق بوسطن
مركز شرق بوسطن الصحي (EBNHC) هو أحد أكبر المراكز الصحية المؤهلة اتحاديًا (FQHC) في البلاد، وأكبر نظام رعاية صحية مجتمعية في ماساتشوستس، حيث يخدم أكثر من 100,000 مريض، وهو معتمد من قِبل إدارة الموارد والخدمات الصحية (HRSA) كرائد في جودة المراكز الصحية. على مدار أكثر من 50 عامًا، وفّر مركز شرق بوسطن الصحي الرعاية الشاملة للفئات المهمشة في تشيلسي، شرق بوسطن، ريفير، وينثروب، إيفريت، وساوث إند في بوسطن. يلتزم مركز شرق بوسطن الصحي بتعزيز ودعم صحة المجتمعات والأسر والأفراد من خلال توفير خدمات رعاية صحية سهلة المنال، متمحورة حول الفرد، تتسم بالتعاطف، وعالية الجودة، تشمل الرعاية الأولية، ورعاية الطوارئ على مدار الساعة طوال أيام الأسبوع، ورعاية الصحة السلوكية، والرعاية التخصصية، وبرامج الصحة والعافية المتنوعة، لجميع المقيمين والعاملين في منطقة خدمتنا. لمزيد من المعلومات، يُرجى زيارة www.ebnhc.org.