برنامج المساعدة المالية للمرضى
- المرضى والزوار
- برنامج المساعدة المالية للمرضى
At NeighborHealth we believe that care is better in community. That’s why, in partnership with Boston Medical Center, we provide consistent, high-quality care to everyone in need of medical care regardless of ability to pay. يساعد برنامج NeighborHealth جيراننا في ماساتشوستس على التقدم بسهولة للحصول على تغطية صحية بأسعار معقولة من خلال برامج المساعدة العامة المصممة مع وضع احتياجات الجميع في الاعتبار.
Information about these programs are available to view and/or download here:
Available in the following languages:
Haitian Creole
Available in the following languages:
Haitian Creole
Need more information?
For assistance in obtaining insurance coverage, please contact the Patient Services Department at one of our locations.
- (617) 568-4600 (East Boston)
- (617) 425-2000 (South End)
For questions about your billing statement, please contact the Billing Department.
Contact Billing
Phone: 617-568-7220
بريد إلكتروني: Billing@Neighborhealth.com
View details of your account or pay your bills هنا.
Or write us a letter at:
صحة الجوار
Attention: Billing
P.O. Box 55020
Boston, MA 02205