تتوفر الموارد لربطك أنت وعائلتك بخدمات الدعم. يتعلم أكثر.

موسم الإنفلونزا وكوفيد-19 قد حل. احجز موعدك لتلقي اللقاح في ماي تشارت أو اتصل على 617-568-4500.

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صحة الجوار

Pediatrics and
Adolescent Medicine

NeighborHealth provides high-quality, affordable health care to the children and families of our communities.

الرعاية الأولية

Our providers don’t just serve their communities, they belong to them. That’s why they can deliver great primary care that fits your life.

الرعاية المتخصصة

Our specialty care for pediatrics and adolescents includes:

NeighborHealth programs

We believe that good health starts at home. That’s why our programs are designed to engage all children in our community to help them lead healthier lives, when and where it matters.

Our services

NeighborHealth offers the full range of care, providing services to help your child get and stay well.

الصحة السلوكية

Emotional and mental well-being are just as important as physical health. The Behavioral Health Department is here to help when your children feel overwhelmed, anxious, or depressed.

Additional resources

Symptom checker & online resources: Unsure if a visit is needed? Check out the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Symptom Checker. Visit HealthyChildren.org for helpful tips and information on your child’s mental and physical health.

Just for teens: Our Adolescent Clinic is here to help you with your health concerns and questions. This clinic is provided at select high schools. Appointments are offered at various times each week for teens 13 years old and older. You do not need to be accompanied by an adult. Call Patient Services at 617-568-4600 for more information.

To find a pediatrician for patients under 18, please call Pediatrics directly at 617-568-4477.

If you or your child is over 18, please call our Patient Services department at 617-568-4600 to find an adult medicine provider.