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صحة الجوار

You’re getting older. And your needs are changing.

Stay healthy, active, and independent in your community through our Neighborhood PACE program.

*This statistic was pulled from “PACE Enrollment Reduces Burden On Family Caregivers”, an article featuring the results of a survey sponsored by The National PACE Association and Vital Research in 2018. Neighborhood PACE is a member of the National PACE Association. Find the full study هنا.

Neighborhood PACE is supported through a PACE program agreement with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, MassHealth, and NeighborHealth. Neighborhood PACE is comprehensive; Neighborhood PACE participants must receive all necessary health care, including primary care and specialist physician services (other than emergency services), from Neighborhood PACE or from an entity authorized by Neighborhood PACE. Participants may be fully and personally liable for the costs of unauthorized or out-of-program services. You may request disenrollment from Neighborhood PACE at any time. Your effective date of disenrollment will be the first day of the month following receipt of your request. Please be aware that you cannot disenroll from Neighborhood PACE at a Social Security office. H2223-2024-07 – Pending CMS Review.

This page last updated March 11, 2025